Who is Pedro Caldas? Hailing from Brazil. Pedro’s been riding since the age of 5. Now at 22 year of age, having spent his allocated ‘time enough’ in Florida, he’s back where he belongs -riding in mostly at the Naga Cable park in his hometown of Jaguariúna. Having split a signature vest with another young ‘non-Floridian’, he’s working on his own signature line coming out next year. One of the true next-gen Follow riders.
IG: @@PedroWake FB: Pedro Caldas TikTok: @pedro_caldas

"I started wakeboarding at the age of 9."
I was born in Goiânia-Bra in 2000 and started wakeboarding at the age of 9 with my dad opening the first cable park in Brazil, Naga Cable Park. Got sponsored by Red Bull at the age of 12 and made my move internationally at 15. Becoming the first Brazilian to be part of the elite of cable wakeboarding. In got elected 2022 rail rider of the year at Wake Awards. My 2023 vest has the No Problemo patch in respect to my lost thumb.
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"Quality comes over looks in my books but that’s no problem with Follow, they check all the boxes."
Sponsors: Follow — Hyperlite — Red Bull — Ford

Pedro is one of the true next-gen Follow riders.
Crail Crowmobe or any well done crail already does the job for me. Triolago Wake Park or Home “Naga Cable Park”
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Product worn and inspired by PEDRO CALDAS